Digital Infrastructure Webinar Series: Cybersecurity

This webinar is Part 5 of ITS America’s Digital Infrastructure (DI) webinar series. This webinar is intended to continue to advance the education, collaboration, and definition of DI use cases, with a focus on Cybersecurity and the growing needs for cybersecurity to be built into the Digital Roadway Infrastructure from the ground up.  Too often, in our desire for rapid deployment and the desire to use pilots and demonstrations to promote new emerging technologies, cyber security is treated as an after-thought.  One which will eventually be “overlaid” on the technologies being deployed.  As pilots scale to demonstrations, to full deployments, this intention often never gets implemented or it is far more challenging to try to implement cybersecurity later on into existing architectures and deployed solutions.

ITS America has been working with a series of industry leaders through its Cybersecurity Community of Practice, to develop resources explaining cybersecurity in transportation to a wider audience, and to provide guidelines for procuring and implementing cybersecurity technologies.  This panel will present findings to date and discuss where this work is headed, and is looking forward to an industry dialog to make this work even more user friendly.


– Adrian Pearmine, Western Director of Mobility Technologies, STV (Moderator)

– Christopher (Shaun) Lyons, Chief Information Security Office (CISO), Nevada DOT

– Jess Baker, Principal, Strategy & Innovation, Accelerator Sector Office, MITRE​​​​​​

– John Skaarup, Cybersecurity Officer, Texas Department of Transportation

– Rick Tiene, VP of Government and Critical Infrastructure, MSi (Mission Secure, Inc.)

– Susan Howard, Vice President ICS/OT Cybersecurity Vice President ICS/OT Cybersecurity, Michael Baker International