
A better future transformed by transportation technology and innovation. Safer. Greener. Smarter. For All.

Our Mission

To be the leading voice advocating for the scaled deployment of innovative transportation technology through policy, thought leadership, and developing a diverse workforce.

ITS America 2023-2026 Strategic Plan


Our members include state and city departments of transportation, regional and local transportation and planning agencies, private companies providing ITS products and services, auto manufacturers and suppliers, research organizations, academic institutions and industry associations. See our entire membership list here.

Board of Directors

Executive Leadership

Board Members

Laura D. Chace

President & CEO

Laura Chace was named President and CEO of ITS America in August 2021. Previously, she served as the association’s Chief Operating Officer. Her focus is to promote policies that advance the development and safe deployment of intelligent transportation technologies throughout the United States to save lives and reduce crashes on U.S. roadways, reduce congestion, minimize transportation’s carbon footprint, and provide seamless mobility and transportation choices for all Americans.  

Chace has extensive experience in strategic planning, operations, communications and advocacy, and a proven track record of implementing complex initiatives with strong engagement and collaboration among stakeholders. 

She is passionate and speaks often about the need to include more female and diverse voices in the transportation workforce to create better outcomes for all who use the transportation system. Chace has led industry initiatives focused on bringing more women into the transportation industry and continues to work towards growing equity in the industry and our transportation networks. 

Across the industry, Chace is seen as a leader on transportation technology and innovation.  She has been chosen by the U.S. Department of Transportation to serve as an advisor on the Transforming Transportation Advisory Committee to help the Department navigate how to safely and responsibly incorporate advanced technology into our transportation system to support mobility needs now and in the future. She also serves as a member of the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation’s Electric Vehicle Working Group to provide recommendations on how to accelerate the transition to electric vehicles.  Additionally, Chace also serves on the advisory board of the Accelerator for America’s Innovative Infrastructure Initiative (i3). 

Chace previously worked at USTelecom and the American Trucking Association. Early in her career, she served in the Clinton Administration at the U.S. Department of Justice Office and in the White House. She holds a Bachelor of Art’s degree from Colgate University. 

State Chapters

ITS America’s 26 state and regional chapters, representing 44 states, span across the country. The State Chapter Council focuses on state legislative and regulatory initiatives as well as grassroots efforts driving ITS deployment. Additionally, the State Chapters Task Force of the Board is committed to working with the state chapters to assist in incorporating their work into the larger mission of ITS America.

Standing Committees

ITS America Standing Advisory Committees focus on legislative, policy, and regulatory issues affecting member companies and ITS industry at large. They assist with educating members of Congress, regulators, and other key policy makers about ITS America’s policy priorities to ensuring that executive branch agencies – including the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Federal Communications Commission – understand important policy positions. Committees also assist with programmatic areas of focus, identification of potential research, creation of annual workshops, roundtables, and educational initiatives.

Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

ITS America’s mission is to deploy technology to achieve a safer, greener, smarter transportation system with more access for all. We recognize that today’s transportation systems suffer from historic and ongoing inequities embedded in infrastructure, access, and cost. As we explore and fulfill the promise of new technologies, ITS America maintains a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion as we consider technology’s effects on all communities and strive to create a better future for all.

Contact Us

Let’s Connect: Contact the ITS America staff with questions, comments, and membership inquiries.

1100 New Jersey Ave SE, Suite 850
Washington, D.C. 20003

Membership Inquiries: membership@itsa.org
Press & Media: comms@itsa.org
General Information: info@itsa.org

Work With Us

A career with the Intelligent Transportation Society of America offers an opportunity to work for experienced leadership in a people-focused culture. Be a vital part of creating a world where intelligent mobility offers a safer, greener, smarter life.