About ITS America

Transforming the Future Together

The Intelligent Transportation Society of America

About Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

Technology is in a constant state of evolution. Rapidly innovating technologies will reshape how our transportation network operates, facilitating vast improvements to safety and overall mobility. The promise of these innovations is apparent, but the deployment and application of these technologies are not without challenges. While technology disrupts the system with new solutions, governments, communities, private companies, and researchers must race to catch up to and contend with ideas never thought possible.  How do we accelerate change and safely embrace new technology while collaborating to advance shared societal goals?   

The Intelligent Transportation Society of America (ITS America) and its members are at the center of these innovations, advocating for transformational technology to save lives, improve mobility and create a more resilient and sustainable transportation system. 

Decades ago, “intelligent transportation system” technologies included roadside sensors, signs that dynamically changed messaging, and coordinated traffic signals. Now ITS technologies have expanded to include a much wider spectrum of innovation, including automation; connectivity; digital infrastructure; sustainable technologies; mobility-on-demand technologies; and emerging transportation technologies like electric vehicle takeoff and landing vehicles (eVTOLs), delivery drones, sidewalk robots, and Artificial Intelligence (AI).  

Robust and scaled investments in transportation technologies can enable a transformation of our transportation system. Technology-enabled interventions afford us the opportunity to proactively prevent fatalities and injuries on American roads, rather than continuing to lose 40,000 lives on our roadways each year. Technology solutions allow us to create a more efficient transportation system and give people time back to spend with friends and loved ones, rather than continuing with a status quo approach which has resulted in Americans losing 54 hours to congestion while costing our economy an estimated $224 billion annually. ITS technologies can enable a truly resilient infrastructure network which rises to the needs of our communities, bolstering our readiness for severe weather events and enhancing the longevity of our transportation resources – readiness which cannot be fully be reached without this technological layer.  

By using technology and innovation, each of these outcomes are within our reach: saving lives, improving mobility and building a more resilient transportation system. 

What We Do

Established by Congress in 1991 to serve as an advisor to the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), ITS America has been a trusted expert for government, industry, communities, and researchers for over 30 years. In that time, the transportation system was widely disrupted from electronic tolling and wireless roadside devices to self-driving vehicle technologies and ridesharing apps. Our organization helped the U.S. develop its first national standards and frameworks for ITS… and we’re poised to develop the frameworks of the future.  

Our North Star: Facilitate Deployment of ITS Technologies 

Association participation leads to real impact. ITS America is the only national organization bringing together the private and public sectors in intelligent transportation.  

  • ITS America convenes experts across the industry fostering innovation in intelligent transportation systems. Our member organizations include state, regional, and local transportation and planning agencies, transit providers, companies providing ITS products and services, major technology firms, auto manufacturers and suppliers, research organizations, academic institutions, and other industry practitioners to deliver efficient, effective technology-forward transportation solutions. 
  • Increase corporate and personal prestige. 
  • Drive your organization’s business priorities. 

Invest with Confidence in ITS Technology 

  • We promote legislative and regulatory policy which supports the successful and safe deployment of innovative technologies in our transportation systems to improve transportation safety, efficiency, and mobility in our communities.  
  • We provide clear direction on standards & legislation. Our Policy staff develops important relationships with policy influencers on Capitol Hill, with Federal administration and leadership, and with state and local officials as an influential voice on deployment of technology.  
  • ITS America members gain feedback on their specific products and services, paving the way for more investments into their proven solutions and new business partnerships. 

Access and Develop Talent 

  • Access a broader pool of candidates with ITS experience through the ITS Career Center,  
  • Develop talent and grow internal capabilities through educational and training programs, like the ITSA Academy, USDOT Professional Capacity Building (PCB) trainings; and written white papers, reports, and educational briefs.  

Stay Informed 

  • Stay up to date on tech and policy developments. ITS America informs our members through Friday policy calls, weekly Policy Rundown newsletter, and in-person events, like our Congressional roundtables and annual Policy Summit.  
  • Explain technology use cases, and how to best apply lessons learned through our ITS Technology Use Case Library. 
  • We educate stakeholders, conduct research, and build awareness of advancements in smart transportation technologies through resources like webinars, reports, whitepapers, and use cases – helping the industry to incorporate these new technologies. 

An Expert Voice in Policy, Advocacy, and Regulatory Issues 

A Resource for Policymakers 

  • ITS America works with Congressional members, federal agencies, and leaders across our diverse membership to advocate for the increased funding and adoption of technologies in our transportation system.  
  • We inform our members and stakeholders of upcoming legislation that will provide for the deployment of technology to save lives, build more resilient infrastructure, and improve mobility.  
  • Members provide input on regulatory actions and the development of frameworks that enable investment in and deployment of technologies that help us build modern transportation infrastructure to meet societal goals.   

Advocating for Increased Technology Funding in Federal Programs 

We help our members understand the landscape around surface transportation reauthorization and advocate for policies which will accelerate the adoption of ITS technologies in our transportation infrastructure, including a particular focus on establishing certain and substantial funding for technology deployment, improvements to the technology procurement process, and revisions to Federal transportation statutes to ensure that technology-forward solutions are considered in transportation planning processes on all levels. ITS America has a strong record of developing policy proposals that advance technology innovation and digital infrastructure to realize transformative safety benefits, maximize the usability of our existing infrastructure, reduce the cost of maintaining that infrastructure, and expand mobility, access, and opportunity across the country.  

Advancing ITS Resources and Recommendations  

Members serve on ITS America’s Standing Committees, Working Groups and Communities of Practice to develop policy and industry resources that advocate for a favorable transportation regulatory and legislative environment. Committee members prepare topical briefs, reports, speaker summaries, and more to educate the industry and policymakers.  

ITS America Standing Advisory Committees 
• V2X & Connected Transportation  
• Digital Infrastructure  
• Emerging Technology  
• Automated Vehicles  

Working Groups 
• Future of 5.9 V2X  
• Beyond 5.9 V2X  
• AI & Digital Transformation  
• IIJA Policy  
• Multimodal Transportation & On Demand Mobility  
• Digital Twinning  
• Advanced Air Mobility  
• AV Freight  

Communities of Practice and Cross-Cutting Issue Areas  
• Cybersecurity & Privacy  
• Workforce Development

Technical Programs and Research 

Our Technical Programs team supports a deployer’s task force, the National Operations Center of Excellence (NOCoE), and multiple projects with the USDOT, including the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology (OST-R), and the ITS Joint Program Office (ITSJPO).  

ITS America also works alongside the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), conducts technical research and trends analysis, and supports multiple grant-funded transportation initiatives. The Technical Programs and Research team also helps promote research findings produced by our member organizations.  

Industry Partnerships 

ITS America advances public-private partnerships between members and industry stakeholders. These partnerships develop through in-person events, technology showcases, networking opportunities, and other thought-leadership-based collaborations on research, problem-solving, and knowledge sharing.   

ITS America State Chapters

ITS America supports 26 state and regional chapters across the U.S., whose members are local transportation professionals and ITS practitioners. State Chapter representatives convene monthly, and Chapters host local annual conferences, convening to share best practices and learn about new technologies and trends.   

Contact Us

Join Today: membership@itsa.org 

General Information: info@itsa.org  

ITS America Communications: comms@itsa.org  

ITS America Policy Team: policy@itsa.org