Momentum Issue #113

January 9, 2023

We hope our friends in California are staying safe during this winter weather emergency! Be sure to add @CaltransHQ to your list of sources of information as they are keeping communities updated on transportation conditions as these storms and their impacts continue to move through the region.

2023 TRB Annual Meeting Edition

This week the ITS America team will be working closely with our colleagues at TRB as we talk about the future of transportation in America. Including announcing the new ITS America vision, mission, and goals.

Make sure that you join ITS America Leadership at the following sessions:


  • ITS Committee – 8am-12pm – Marriott Marquis – CEO Laura Chace will give an overview of ITS America Priorities to TRB’s ITS Committee as they revision their new strategic goals as a committee.
  • “State of ITS” – 1:30-3:15pm – Salon C Washington Convention Center – CEO Laura Chace will share ITS America’s 2026 Strategic Plan and our goals for the year.
  • USDOT V2X Listening Session – Immediately following “State of ITS” – Convention Center Conference room 302.

Tuesday Sessions:

  • Women and Gender in Transportation Committee – 8am-12pm – COO Kristin White will discuss research needs for programs like MobilityXX to increase diversity in transportation – Marriott Salon E.
  • Vehicle-Automation Committee – 8am-12pm – ITS America will provide an overview of the association activities and goals related to AVs – Marriott Marquis 7-8.
  • How Do We Make Freeways Operate Safer Both Now and Over the Next 10 Years? – 1:30pm – Kristin White will share ITSA’s vision and call to action to save lives – In Salon C
  • Future of Freight Panel – 5:30 – COO Kristin White will share ITS America’s perspectives on the intersection of the future of freight, connectivity and automation – Crimson Whiskey Bar
  • ITS America member reception – 6-9 – Clyde’s Gallery Place


  • Roadway Digital Infrastructure Workshop hosted by ITS America and USDOT – 9am-12 pm – Laura Chace, CEO, Monali Shah, Board Chair will provide an overview of digital infrastructure and Kristin White, COO will summarize ITS America’s views of what is needed for digital infrastructure.