V2X/Connected Transportation
V2X technologies enable connected vehicle applications that will save lives and provide an enhanced safety layer for automated driving system applications.Future of V2X in 5.9 GHz Report
Laura Chace testimony to Senate Commerce Subcommittee
ITS America Responds to USDOT’s National V2X Deployment Plan
ITS America’s Standing Advisory Committee on V2X/Connected Transportation
The Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) and Connected Transportation Standing Committee identifies the legislative and regulatory barriers and opportunities to safely advance V2X technologies and connected transportation; develops and advocates for related legislative and regulatory policies; monitors national trends and related research; promotes the development of technologies, best practices, and private and public sector partnerships; and serves as a forum to disseminate and exchange related information and best practices. It addresses topic areas such as the development and deployment of connected, V2V, V2I, and V2P technologies and innovations; spectrum allocation and use; standards development; interoperability among technologies and infrastructure; cybersecurity; V2X application priority; and the future of V2X and connected technologies.
Committee Leadership
Co-Chair: Elise Feldpausch, Michigan DOT
Co-Chair: Suman Sehra, Harmon
V2X/Connected Transportation News
See All NewsITS America Board Elects Officers, Welcomes New Directors for 2025
Washington, D.C. – The Intelligent Transportation Society of America (ITS America) Board of Directors certified the election of its 2025 Board Officers, and welcomed its six new directors at the Board of Directors meeting this week in…
ITS America Awarded USDOT Contract for Research and Stakeholder Support Services
The Intelligent Transportation Society of America (ITS America) has launched registration for its Fall 2024 online training course, “Introduction to Transportation Data.” The online, interactive class will be hosted by the organization’s new learning management system (LMS), the ITSA Academy.