Connectivity Solutions for Vulnerable Road Users: Let’s have safer roads

Roads are dangerous places. Roughly a quarter of the 40,990 traffic fatalities in 2023 occurred at intersections. Of the 7,318 pedestrian fatalities, 17% were at mid-block crossings – 80% of which were unmarked. These pedestrian fatalities are close to 50-year high. Equipping vehicles and infrastructure with wireless technologies can help to improve traffic safety and efficiency for all road users.

Attendees will hear from experts who are leading the way to safer roads and more connected communities. Topics will include:

– A call to action: results from the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA)

– How cellular-vehicle-everything (C-V2X) can inform real-time safety alerts to reduce VRU crashes and fatalities

– How cellular networks can increase awareness for vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians and cyclists

– How the City of Chattanooga is deploying these technologies to create safer, more efficient urban environments for all residents


– Jim Misener, Sr. Director, Qualcomm Technologies (Moderator)

– Adam Snider, Director of Communications, GHSA

– Jacob Harel, Senior Principal Engineer, Harman

– Shailesh Patil, Senior Director, Qualcomm Technologies

– Mina Sartipi, Professor, University of Tennessee-Chattanooga