Momentum Issue #157 – A Year in Review: Advocacy Materials
From AI and autonomous vehicles to workforce development and V2X, ITS America and our members covered nearly every vital ITS topic this year. ITS America’s Standing Committees, Communities of Practice, Task Forces, and other members and stakeholders collaborated to create timely reports, primers, responses, deployment plans and more, with the goal to effectively inform and support the greater transportation technology industry and its governance.
These resources were designed using examples and best practices from real-world applications, showing the best methods effectively and safely facilitating nationwide deployment of ITS technologies.
Below, please find a comprehensive list of ITS America resources for you to share with your community.
ITS America provided comments and testimonies to efficiently advise the greater transportation governance with critical insight.
- ITS America Commerce NPRM Response
- Laura D. Chace Testimony to Senate Commerce Subcommittee
- ITS America Response to FHWA’s Buy America NPRM
- ITS America’s Response to the Department of Commerce’s ANPRM on Connected Vehicles
- ITS America Responds to USDOT’s National V2X Deployment Plan
These reports from our ITS America Committees delve into critical topics, supported by a variety of industry officials with applicable expertise.
- ITS America Future of V2X in 5.9 GHz Report
- ITS America V2X Decoded: Frequently Asked Questions
- ITS America AV Freight Recommendations to NHTSA
- ITS America Cybersecurity for Connected ITS Infrastructure.
- ITS America Cybersecurity for Novice Cyber Professionals Primer
- Workforce Gaps & the Future of Intelligent Transportation Systems
- ITS America Equity Member Spotlight: Yunex Traffic
- ITS America Equity Member Spotlight: Microsoft
Our use cases showcase vital real-world applications of technology, and our deployment plans offer frameworks for future deployment of further crucial technologies.
- Beyond 5.9 V2X Deployment Plan
- Public-Private Framework for Successful AV Deployment
- How to Leverage Technology in the Safe Streets and Roads for All Grant Program
- AI Policy Principles
These materials serve as introductions, analyses, or discussions about vital contemporary topics to provide essential information gathered across both public and private sectors.
- Incorporating Technology in Complete Streets
- Long Innovative Corridors Spanning Multiple States Panel Brief
- Transforming the I-80 Corridor: A New Era of Connected Freight Movement Panel Brief
- University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute Member Presentation Brief
- Issue Brief: Cybersecurity
- AV Freight Panel Discussion
- AI in Transportation: Roundtable Discussion
- Hydrogen in Transportation Issue Brief
- Electrification Options and a Transition to a Sustainable Future Issue Brief
In January 2024, we released our first ever ITS Technology Use Case Library, highlighting real-world projects having tangible impacts on communities across the country. The intent of the Library is to tell the “ITS story,” showcasing our members’ accomplishments through a living, regularly updated document.
And even as we are rounding out the year, we still have more resources to come. Stay tuned to our social media and website for further essential releases!
We thank our members for their dedication and continued support of a safer, greener, and smarter future for all. We look forward to another year of engaging collaboration to provide even more resources supporting the development and deployment of transportation technologies.
Interested in contributing your expertise by joining an ITS America Committee, Community of Practice, or Task Force? Check out these opportunities in your MyITSA Portal.