The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) provides $1.2 trillion for transportation and infrastructure investment, including a five-year surface transportation reauthorization. This website provides a variety of resources to help you better understand what transportation technology investment and opportunities are included in IIJA and to track the implementation of IIJA by the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) and other Federal agencies. The information is provided in four categories: (1) IIJA Resources, (2) IIJA funding opportunities, (3) IIJA regulatory actions, and (4) ITS America documents and resources. This webpage will be updated regularly as new information becomes available.
IIJA Resources
IIJA Funding Opportunities
IIJA Regulatory Actions
ITS America Docs & Resources
IIJA Resources
- USDOT SMART Grants Webpage
This website provides information about the SMART Grant funding opportunity, including application preparation resources, information about technology areas and relevant guidance, information about smart communities, and links to pages on USDOT grants and priorities. - FHWA Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Website
This website serves as a one-stop shop for FHWA’s implementation of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, including everything from fact sheets and funding notices to guidance, regulations, and presentations. FHWA intends to keep this website updated with new information as progress on IIJA implementation continues to take place. - Joint Office of Energy and Transportation (
The Joint Office of Energy and Transportation was created to facilitate collaboration between the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Department of Transportation to provide support and expertise to a multitude of programs that seek to deploy a network of electric vehicle chargers, zero-emission fueling infrastructure, and zero-emission transit and school buses.- Joint Office Meet-and-Greet Webinars (March 8 and 10, 2022)
- USDOT Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Authorization Table
This table provides the authorized funding for both new IIJA programs and existing programs that were modified by IIJA for Fiscal Years 2022-2026. It is organized primarily by title and division. - USDOT State by State Fact Sheets
USDOT released these state-by-state fact sheets that highlight how the IIJA will support communities across the country with funding for repairing roads and bridges, improving transportation options, building a national network of chargers to accelerate the adoption of EVs, upgrading our nation’s airports and ports, and more. Each fact sheet outlines specific priorities that USDOT is trying to achieve on a state-by-state basis, and highlights the ways that IIJA funding can be used to improve the infrastructure in those communities. - USDOT: The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Innovation Fact Sheet
This fact sheet highlights numerous IIJA programs that are centered on innovation, including key programs supporting technology deployments and advanced research. Key areas of focus include SMART grants, UTC funding, ARPA-I, the Open Research Initiative, the Nontraditional and Emerging Transportation Technology Council, USDOT’s five-year Transportation and Research Development Strategic Plan, the Smart Community Resource Center, the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation, and $4.5 billion in research activities across USDOT. - USDOT: Charging Forward: A Toolkit for Planning and Funding Rural Electric Mobility Infrastructure
This toolkit is intended to provide guidance on expanding electric vehicle charging infrastructure for a variety of rural stakeholders, including States, local communities, Tribes, transportation providers, nonprofits, businesses, and individuals. The toolkit focuses on infrastructure for light-duty electric passenger vehicles (such as sedans, sport utility vehicles, and pickup trucks), but also addresses funding opportunities and planning considerations for other types of electric vehicles, including transit and school buses, medium- and heavy-duty vehicles, and agricultural equipment such as tractors. - Safe Streets and Roads for All Grant Program Website
This website provides information about the new Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant program, including eligible entities, eligible activities, and the development and establishment of an Action Plan, which is required to receive funding under the program. - USDOT Equity Action Plan
USDOT released an Equity Action Plan to highlight the work the Department intends to undertake in four areas – wealth creation, power of community, interventions, and expanding access – to expand access and opportunity to all communities while focusing on underserved, overburdened, and disadvantaged communities. Proposed actions include providing technical assistance to small disadvantaged businesses, reinvigorating USDOT’s programmatic enforcement of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, launching a national technical assistance center, and developing a national transportation cost burden measure.
- White House Guidebook to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
Provides a high-level overview of all IIJA funding programs grouped by issue area, including an individual fact sheet for each program, dates or date ranges for key activities, and other important information. - Competitive Infrastructure Funding Opportunities for Local Governments – White House Fact Sheet
Provides an overview of 25 sources of funding that local governments, and often other eligible entities, can compete or apply for directly. This document highlights a number of transportation related grant programs and includes expected important dates such as when notices of funding opportunity will be released. - Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Rural Playbook
Provides information on the “what, where, and how” to apply for federal infrastructure dollars to help rural communities understand the available funding for infrastructure provided by IIJA and other sources. Specifically, this playbook identifies programs and sources of funds set aside for rural communities under IIJA and provides an overview of key flexibilities and other benefits available to rural communities.
- Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
Bipartisan infrastructure investment legislation passed in November 2021 providing $1.2 trillion for transportation and infrastructure programs, including $550 billion in new spending. Includes a five-year surface transportation reauthorization with significantly increased funding levels covering FYs 2022-2026.
- NTIA IIJA Grant Overview
Provides an overview of the IIJA programs being administered by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), including the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program, Enabling Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure Program, and State Digital Equity Planning Grant Program.- NTIA Pre-NOFO technical assistance webinars
Starting March 9, NTIA will host a series of five pre-NOFO technical assistance webinars designed to help prospective applicants understand NTIA’s IIJA broadband grant programs and to assist applicants to prepare high quality grant applications.
- NTIA Pre-NOFO technical assistance webinars
IIJA Funding Opportunities
- The Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) Grants Program (applications due November 12, 2022)
The SMART program was established to provide grants to eligible public sector agencies to conduct demonstration projects focused on advanced smart community technologies and systems in order to improve transportation efficiency and safety. It is a discretionary grant program with $100 million appropriated annually for fiscal years (FY) 2022-2026. The SMART Grants Program intends to fund purpose-driven innovation to build data and technology capacity and expertise for State, local, and Tribal governments.A SMART grant may be used to carry out a project that demonstrates at least one of the following:- Coordinated Automation
- Connected Vehicles
- Sensors
- Systems Integration
- Delivery/Logistics
- Innovative Aviation
- Smart Grid
- Traffic Signals
Link to Smart Grants NOFO
- Safe Streets for All (SS4A) Grant Program (applications due September 15)
The SS4A program funds regional, local, and Tribal initiatives through discretionary grants to prevent roadway deaths and serious injuries. This discretionary grant program, which has been appropriated $5 billion over the next 5 years, is designed to encourage communities to develop and carry out Vision Zero Action Plans (Action Plans), or comprehensive safety plans aimed at reducing road fatalities and injuries. Grant funding can be used to develop these safety plans, to develop strategies to implement the safety plans, and to carry out those strategies. - UTC Program Competition 2022-2026 Grants (applications due August 25, 2022; letters of intent due July 1)
IIJA authorizes USDOT to make grants to eligible non-profit institutions of higher education to establish and operate University Transportation Centers (UTCs or Centers). Through this NOFO, USDOT seeks competitive grant applications for National UTCs, Regional UTCs, and Tier 1 UTCs as set forth in the IIJA. A UTC and its consortium members must be established and located physically in the United States or its territories or on Tribal lands. It must be a consortium of two or more universities. Each Center is required to obtain matching funds from non-Federal sources. National and Regional UTCs must obtain matching funds in an amount equal to the USDOT grant amount. The match for Tier 1 UTCs is 50 percent of the US DOT grant amount. Estimated total funding is set at $90,000,000.
- Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Grant Program (applications due April 14, 2022)
Grant program providing $1.5 billion for FY 2022. This program helps communities around the country carry out projects with significant local or regional impact. The $1.5 billion in available funding for 2022 represents a 50 percent increase in available funds compared to last year. Projects will be evaluated on statutory criteria of safety, environmental sustainability, quality of life, economic competitiveness and opportunity, state of good repair, partnership and innovation. New this year, under the IIJA, 2022 RAISE applications will also be evaluated on the criteria of mobility and community connectivity. The Department will assess projects for universal design and accessibility for travelers, as well as consider how proposals increase mobility for freight and supply chain efficiency.- RAISE Grant Notice of Funding Opportunity
- RAISE Grant Highlights Presentation
- RAISE Grant Webinars Registration and Recordings
- For 2022 RAISE Grants, USDOT is offering a series of webinars that delve into various aspects of the RAISE application process. Webinars cover (1) How to Compete for RAISE Grants; (2) Tribal and Rural Applications; (3) Environmental Justice Communities, Areas of Persistent Poverty, and Historically Disadvantaged Communities; and (4) How to Prepare a Benefit-Cost Analysis for RAISE Grants.
- Multimodal Project Discretionary Grant (MPDG) Opportunity (Applications due May 23)
The purpose of this notice is to solicit applications for three funding opportunities: the National Infrastructure Project Assistance grants program (Mega), the Nationally Significant Multimodal Freight and Highways Projects grants program (INFRA), and the Rural Surface Transportation Grant program (Rural). For FY 2022, up to $1.5 billion will be made available for Mega program grants, up to $1.55 billion for INFRA program grants, and up to $300 million for Rural program grants. Funds for the INFRA, Mega, and Rural funding opportunities will be awarded on a competitive basis for surface transportation infrastructure projects – including highway and bridge, intercity passenger rail, railway-highway grade crossing or separation, wildlife crossing, public transportation, marine highway, and freight projects, or groups of such projects – with significant national or regional impact, or to improve and expand the surface transportation infrastructure in rural areas. While applicants can choose to apply for only one grant program, this combined solicitation will allow applicants to apply for multiple grant opportunities while submitting only one application. - Low or No Emission (Low-No) Grant Program (applications due May 31, 2022)
Provides $1.1 billion in grant funding for FY 2022 to help transit agencies purchase or lease low or no emission vehicles and related equipment or facilities. Zero-emission vehicles projects require 5 percent of funding to be spent on workforce development, unless the applicant certifies that funds are not needed. - Grants for Buses and Bus Facilities Program (applications due May 31, 2022)
Provides $372 million in grant funding for FY 2022 to help transit agencies purchase, lease, replace and rehabilitate buses, related equipment, and bus-related facilities. - Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program (open February 7 through March 7, 2022)
The SBIR Program awards contracts to small businesses across the country to spur research and commercialization of innovative transportation technologies. This year, research topics focus on artificial intelligence, intelligent road systems, material safety, equity, climate change, and more. The SBIR Program incentivizes domestic small businesses to pursue Federal Research/ Research and Development (R/R&D) work that has the potential for commercialization. The program awards contracts in two key phases, with the possibility of a third phase leading up to commercialization.
- National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program
The NEVI Formula Program will provide nearly $5 billion over five years to build out a national electric vehicle charging network along designated Alternative Fuel Corridors, particularly along the Interstate Highway System. The total amount available to states in Fiscal Year 2022 is $615 million.  Each state is required to submit an EV Infrastructure Deployment Plan to the new Joint Office of Energy and Transportation that describes how the state intends to use its share of NEVI Formula Program funds consistent with FHWA Program Guidance before it can access NEVI funds. USDOT also released a Request for Nominations for states to expand their existing Alternative Fuel Corridors.
- Carbon Reduction Program
The Carbon Reduction Program (CRP) provides funds for projects designed to reduce transportation emissions, defined as carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from on-road highway sources. The Carbon Reduction Program will fund a wide range of projects designed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from on-road highway sources — from installing infrastructure to support the electrification of freight vehicles or personal cars, to constructing Bus Rapid Transit corridors, to facilitating micro-mobility and biking. Under the CRP, states must also develop carbon reduction strategies in consultation with Metropolitan Planning Organizations to identify projects and strategies tailored to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in their states, although states and localities may begin using the CRP funds even before plans are developed and reviewed.
IIJA Regulatory Actions
- USDOT Request for Information: Enhancing the Safety of Vulnerable Road Users at Intersections (comments due November 15)
USDOT is interested in receiving comments on the possibility of adapting existing and emerging automation technologies to accelerate the development of real-time roadway intersection safety and warning systems for both drivers and VRUs in a cost-effective manner that will facilitate deployment at scale. - FHWA Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Request for Information (remains open)
This RFI was intended to solicit information on:
(i) Potential opportunities and challenges for implementing new IIJA programs;
(ii) potential opportunities and challenges for implementing existing programs modified by IIJA;
(iii) solutions or suggestions as to how FHWA might implement IIJA;
(iv) necessity for additional guidance, FAQs, or program changes; and
(v) areas requiring new and continued research. Responses to this RFI can be found here. - FHWA EV Charging Infrastructure Deployment Request for Information (comments due January 28, 2022)
Through this RFI, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) invited public comments to inform the development of a guidance for the National Electric Vehicle Formula Program and Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Program to strategically deploy publicly accessible EV charging infrastructure and hydrogen, propane, and natural gas fueling infrastructure along designated alternative fuel corridors or in certain other locations that are accessible to all drivers of such vehicles. FHWA was especially interested in comments suggesting ways that the guidance could promote equity in the deployment of EV charging infrastructure under these programs. ITS America submitted comments in response to this RFI – those comments can be found here. - USDOT Non-Traditional and Emerging Transportation Technology (NETT) Council Request for Comment (comments due April 8, 2022)
USDOT is seeking public comments to help inform the future work and direction of the NETT Council to enable it to:
(1) identify and resolve jurisdictional and regulatory gaps or inconsistencies associated with nontraditional and emerging transportation technologies, modes, or projects pending or brought before the Department of Transportation to reduce, to the maximum extent practicable, impediments to the prompt and safe deployment of new and innovative transportation technology, including with respect to safety oversight, environmental review, and funding and financing issues;
(2) coordinate the response of the Department of Transportation to nontraditional and emerging transportation technology projects;
(3) engage with stakeholders in nontraditional and emerging transportation technology projects; and
(4) develop and establish Department of Transportation-wide processes, solutions, and best practices for identifying and managing nontraditional and emerging transportation technology projects.
ITS America Documents & Resources
- ITSA Recommendations for IIJA Implementation
This document contains ITS America’s policy recommendations for USDOT during IIJA’s implementation, including on aspects such as technology eligibility and criteria, funding opportunities, application processes, education, engagement, and others. - ITS America Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Technology Investments Summary
This document provides a comprehensive summary of provisions related to the development and deployment of intelligent transportation technologies under IIJA, including analysis of new programs, expanded eligibilities, and funding availability.
- February 9, 2022 – Decoding the IIJA – What’s in it and how can you benefit?
ITS America will help you understand what ITS programs are in the law, what investment opportunities there are for the public and private sectors, and overview how we plan to support the ITS industry to take advantage of these funding opportunities. ITS America staff will share highlights of the 45 ITS programs in the bill and its top technology priorities to help support public and private sectors in leveraging opportunities and using federal funding while incorporating technology to make us safer, greener, and grow access and equity. Learning objectives: Learn what ITS and future mobility technology programs are in the bill. Understand the timelines and upcoming funding opportunities and how your organization can take advantage of opportunities to seek federal funding. - February 17, 2022 – Harnessing the IIJA: How Public and Private Sector Leaders are Using IIJA Funding to Promote Safer, Greener, Smarter Communities
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) is investing over $500 billion in transportation investment, including new programs and eligibilities for technologies that support connected and automated transportation, promote mobility on demand, accelerate sustainable transportation solutions, and enable other emerging technologies. Hear how leaders in transit, state and local transportation agencies and private sector executives in the auto, smart mobility industry, and tech industries and are harnessing technology in IIJA investments to deliver a safer, smarter, greener future for communities. - June 30, 2022 – Recommendations for Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Implementation
Question: As a member of ITS America, how can I get more information on ITS America’s IIJA implementation efforts?
Answer: Please contact Tim Drake ( for more information on ITS America’s efforts related to IIJA implementation.
Please contact Brenna Rivett ( if you are interested in participating in ITS America’s IIJA Implementation Working Group.
Please contact Bobby McCurdy ( if you are interested in being added to the IIJA Implementation Mailing List or the Friday Policy Calls invite list.